Monday, December 03, 2012

Bully's Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar Countdown 2012: Day 3

Hello, and welcome back to Bully's Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar Countdown 2012! In case you haven't been keeping track or you don't have a calendar (I'm guessing 2012 calendars ought to be marked down by now), today is Day 3, so let's see what's behind door number...three!

Yikes! It's a whole assortment of little brown pieces plus some nasty sharp lookin' claws. Folks, I do believe that what we have here is the first-ever appearance of Wolverine in the SWEEU (the Star Wars Extremely Expanded Universe)!

Ah ha! Assemble it in the proper way and it becomes clear...this is Nute Gunray's Mechno-Chair! Because Nute Gunray is a lazy bum and can't bother to walk across the length of the bridge to get skewered on a lightsaber. I wonder if, like I did, he had to assemble it himself? Did it come from Ikea? Is its real name MUMSFILLIBABBA, with several umlauts and a cross through the "U"? Since I'm guessing that no one likes Nute Gunray enough to write Expanded Universe fiction starring him, the galaxy will never know.

Also, I had some pieces left over again, including one of those nasty sharp claws. Hey, maybe I can make a Wolverine later on. Snikt, bub!

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