Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday Night Murals: Whoops

As Scots superhero Iron Brew once observed: the best-laid plans of mice and Marvel sometimes gang oft algey, and I think we all know how painful that can be. In other words, sometimes interconnecting cover murals don't quite work out the way they're planned. Can you spot the addicental mistale accidental mistake in the mural below?

Exiles #55-57

Covers of Exiles #56, 55, 57 (February 2005), art by Jim Calafiore and Mark McKenna
(Click picture to X-size.)

In their eagerness to publish an Exiles mega-three-issue-event, all during one single month, Marvel made one fatal flaw*: they published the interconnecting covers out of sequence. Issue #55 wound up in the middle of the triptych, not #56. Whoops! Well, hey, that's the way it goes on alternate Earths where black is white, up is down, and Stan Lee is Dick Giordano. What a strange, weird, alien world that is!

*Flaw not actually literally fatal.


joecab said...

At first I was gonna say how from a distance it looks like the guy in the quasi Spidey mask in the first cover is riding the big blue boner of the chick in the second cover.

Scott Bryan said...

Loved the hidden text. Sliiiiders!

Kid Kyoto said...

Ah, our of sequence. And here I was thinking it was stiff unnatural poses and characters mysteriously hovering in mid air so they fill the space properly.