Saturday, August 25, 2007

Separated at Birth: Can You Read My Mind? I Hope So, Because You're My Only Hope.

Leia Organa and Maureen McGovern

L: Princess Leia (and R2-D2) from Star Wars (1977)
R: Maureen McGovern's Greatest Hits (released 1979)
(Click picture to cinnabon-size)


Anonymous said...

The difference is that Leia didn't show that much boob until Jedi.

Tom Bondurant said...

John Williams is another common denominator -- not only between Star Wars and Superman, but also for the pop songs in Towering Inferno and Poseidon Adventure, both of which MoMcGo sung. Kinda surprising she wasn't the voice of Sy Snootles....

I also remember Ms. McGovern from such films as Airplane!, where she played the nun. And didn't Carrie Fisher play a nun in one of the Kevin Smith movies?

Freaky, man.

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, this past weekend I wallowed in my Ultimate Superman Collection DVD set and between the original movie, the extended cut, and the separate commentaries by Salkind and Donner, I still have that stupid song in my head.