Monday, February 20, 2006

Happy President's Day!


Walaka said...

Bully - Where in the world is President Abraham (Brainiac) Lincoln versus Clark Kent, Metallo! from?!

I thought I had seen purt' near everything, but this one is from waaaay out there.

Bully said...

Walaka, that's from the infmous Elseworlds 80-Page Giant of 1999, pulped by DC in the US (only released in the UK), supposedly at Paul Levitz's orders over the Kyle Baker story "Letitia Lerner, Superman's Babysitter." There's a number of bootleg sites on the Internet on which you can see the whole comic. Here's on site that reproduces just one of the stories from the book. Here's the Letitia Lerner story, which is also now available in one of the Bizarro Comics anthologies.

"President Abraham (Brainiac) Lincoln versus Clark Kent, Metallo!" is a one-page gag panel and isn't a whole story.

Still, don't you wish it was?